It's normal to get the occasional hot flash when you're pregnant, however getting too hot is not good for you or for your growing bub.
It is important to be careful with your body temperature, especially with the summer months in full swing! 
We cannot guarantee that our weather wll be hot, but if temperatures do start rising (or you're lucky enough to go on holiday) you should be mindful. 
What should I wear?
Stay covered up. Not only will this help protect against sunburn (which would NOT be good), but you'll feel cooler without the sun shining on your skin. Wear lightweight fabrics and loose, comfortable trousers or floaty dresses and skirts. Be sure to wear clothes with natural fibres, such as cotton or linen, as they will help you to stay cool! 
Do yourself (and your skin) a massive favour by wearing a hat with a wide brim that will protect your face and neck from those blasted UV rays, as well as helping you to stay cool. 
A word of warning - don't be fooled by strappy sandals that may feel cool. These shoes leave the tops of your feet vulnerable to sunburn, so be sure to apply SPF to your feet and toes.
There are other important things to note, besides your wardrobe choices:
  • Swim (where possible, of course).
  • Carry a water-filled squirt bottle so that you can mist yourself when you start to feel warm.
  • Exercise at the cooler times of day and avoid exercising to the point overheating.
  • Avoid direct mid-day sun,.
  • Drink one eight-ounce glass of water for each hour you are outdoors in hot weather.
  • Avoid vigorous outdoor activities during the hot hours of the day.
  • Use a high SPF.
  • Get indoors at the first sign of weakness, fatigue, dizziness, lightheadedness, or excessive thirst. 
Another common problem in summer pregnancies is leg swelling - called physiologic edema, According to WebMD, "If the second half of pregnancy occurs during the summer months, the degree of leg swelling can increase dramatically." 
How can you combat leg swelling?
  1. Lie down for 30 to 60 minutes a day.
  2. Keep your legs elevated while you sleep.
  3. Wear comfortable shoes and, if possible, wear one pair of shoes that are a half size larger than your normal size.
  4. Walk two to three times a week during times other than mid-day heat.
  5. Remove your rings if they seem to be tight.
Stay cool, mamas!  

