Shocking and all as it is to comprehend, tens of thousands of young girls all around the world are forced into child marriage on a daily basis.

Taken from their family homes, these youngsters are made enter into a union with an adult and expected to fulfil roles far beyond their maturity and capabilities.

And while millions insist they deem the practice abhorrent, it is, shockingly, par for the course in 92 countries around the world - something which YouTube user, Coby Persin, sought to address in a recent social experiment.

Eager to hammer home the incongruity of a situation which sees the wedding of a senior citizen to a 12-year-old girl, Coby staged a wedding shoot in the middle of Times Square and filmed the reaction of astounded onlookers.

Clocking up a whopping 4.5 million views in mere days, this footage has undoubtedly struck a chord with the wider public.

SHARE to raise awareness of an issue which requires urgent attention.



