Getting to dress your bump on Halloween is DEFINITELY up there as being one of the best things about being pregnant.
Yes, having a little baby at the end of your nine months is pretty awesome, but c'mon who doesn't LOVE the spooky season!
So whether you are heading out, taking your older kids trick-or-treating or planning a night in front of the telly, keep the following tips in mind when making/ buying your costume.
1. Remember, have a little fun
Halloween is the perfect time to act silly and dress up!
2. Embrace the bump
This may be the only Halloween that you are actually pregnant for.
3. You don’t have to go too mad if you don’t want to
Think Britney Spear’s Golden Ticket top and you’re sorted.
4. You don’t have to keep it all sweet and innocent
Just because you’re expecting a sweet little tot doesn’t mean you can’t do anything gruesome or scary...
5. Be as creative as you like
Think baby’s hand coming out of your stomach, bun in the oven or even just paint your belly as a pumpkin.
6. You also don’t need to spend a fortune on outfits
DIY costumes are usually the most effective and you can really let your creative juices flow; pin six bottle nipples to a black T-shirt and you can go out as a pregnant cat – sorted!
7. Do try to add a sense of humour if you can
Pop a baseball hat on, white vest top slightly pulled up, baggy jeans and a beer can and go as an over-weight trucker.
If you’re looking for a little inspiration, check out the following ideas: