All children have the propensity to be stubborn at various times over the course of their early life, but if your little one has a particularly stubborn streak and frequently defies you or other elders, then you may actually have reason to celebrate!

According to a study which spanned a whopping four decades, scientists established that children who displayed stubborn traits from a young age often went on to become very successful adults.

Analysing the life of 700 individuals from the age of 12 to 52, a team of researchers began their study by focussing attention on children's behaviour in addition to assessing accompanying factors such as inattentiveness, inferiority complexes, impatience, rule breaking and defiance of parental authority.

Further to this, the subjects of the study were evaluated on non-cognitive traits which included entitlement and attention to academic progress-  an approach which aimed to give researches a well-rounded view of the individual.

Returning to their participants forty years after their initial study, researchers conducted the same assessment and established that the individuals who most frequently broke school rules and defied those in authority as a child went on to become the highest achievers, and most financially successful, of the 40-year study.

The study has been published in the Development Psychology.

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