The old saying assures us that there is no place like home, but just how does that home compare to others around the world? A new study has revealed the top 20 best countries in the world to raise a family, and the results are very interesting indeed.


Topping the list, which was compiled by expat networking group Inter Nations, was Austria, followed by Finland and Sweden in the second and third spots respectively.


For their study, the researchers asked expat parents to rate the country they had moved to based on the quality, cost and availability of childcare and education.


With every family offered parental leave from work and a monthly children’s allowance until the age of 18, Austria emerged as a clear front-runner, and glided into the top spot.



Finland, which claimed second place in the survey, received the best rating in terms of its quality of education, while third-placed Sweden had the best ranking for childcare and education costs.


The top 10 was completed by Israel, New Zealand and Singapore in fourth, fifth and sixth place respectively, with Germany, France, Australia, and Luxembourg taking spots number seven, eight, nine and 10.


Ireland and the UK did not make the top 20 list.


