Celebrating your baby’s first Christmas is one of the most memorable moments you will experience as a parent.


It’s important to make the most of this special day, so we have some wonderful traditions that will make your baby’s first Christmas extra special.


1: Handprint ornaments:

Creating a personalised handprint ornament is one of the cutest traditions to start. It’s one of those ornaments that will have a special place on your tree, even when you’re old and grey. Personalised ornaments will add a little more magic to your Christmas tree.



2: Scrapbook:

We rarely ever print out photographs anymore. They live in our phones and never make it into photo frames. Starting a scrapbook is a clever way to treasure those precious Christmas memories. You can add the first Christmas card your baby received, photos from Christmas Day, the name of the first Christmas story you read to them, and anything else that’ll bring a smile to your face.



3: Matching pyjamas:

It may be one of the cheesiest traditions of all time, but it’s all part of the festive cheer. We are crazy about Christmas themed PJs, especially for your tiny tot. They’re just far too cute! Check out our favourite matching Christmas PJs here.



4: Visit Santa:

We understand that your baby may not understand who Santa is, but it’s always nice to start the tradition early. Heading along to see the man himself is a great way to kick-start your festive celebrations. Don’t forget to take a photograph when your baby meets Santa for the first time.



5: Donate to charity:

One thing that we should do every Christmas is donating to charity. It’s important to show our children how important giving to others is, no matter how old they are. Choose a charity that holds a special place in your heart and send them a donation this year.



6: Personalised stocking:

There is one thing you must purchase for your baby’s first Christmas and that’s a personalised stocking. There are plenty of cute designs to choose from. Seeing the stocking placed above the fireplace will bring a smile to your face.



7: Make your own cards:

There’s no better time to channel your inner artist than Christmas time. You can create the cutest cards by painting your baby’s hands and feet and then stamping them onto paper. The grandparents will be thrilled with such a sentimental card.



8: Christmas bedtime stories:

Reading a Christmas bedtime story is one tradition that will never grow old. Experts believe that reading to your children can help strengthen your bond. There are so many stories you can choose from A Christmas Carol to Merry Christmas, Daniel Tiger.



