We've perfected our five-in-a-bed life.


The smallest starfishes in the centre, both parents have approximately one inch on either side of the edges of the bed and the middle and eldest end up top to toe along the bottom, by our feet. Ta-daaaah! 


Our bodies have adapted to this strange sleeping arrangement and for now, everyone is happy. I love feeling their warm little bodies so close to mine and it makes extra time for snuggles in a busy life. 


We go through stages of vowing that tonight is the last night and make a fuss about trying to get them to sleep in their own beds but ultimately, we are not NOT enjoying it and I'm aware that the children won't want to do it forever. So we cherish these special moments, but some studies suggest that letting your children sleep in your bed can have very negative psychological effects - especially in later life. The 2016 study published in the Journal of Affective Disorders found that co-sleeping could make your child more likely to experience anxiety and depression. 


However, the Independent reports that this study has been superseded by another study which suggests that there is no negative impact of having your kids cuddle up at night. 


One study published in the journal Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine found that it can make breastfeeding easier. Another piece of research suggests that newborns who shared a bed with their mothers slept better than those who slept apart from them.



Dr Yoni Schwab told the publication that as long as both the child AND the parent is happy with the arrangement - co-sleeping can actually boast a slew of benefits and make your child feel MORE secure. 


Phew! For now, our situation works for us, but the moment it starts becoming a challenge, we are comfortable enough to change it up. Like everything with parenting, we feel our way in the dark (literally), but we mostly take our lead from our children and their well-being will always be paramount. 


What do you think about this? We'd love to hear your comments below.

