CBeebies is very popular with our little ones and tends to frequent our television screens most days.
However, the BBC's children's segment has sparked a debate which has divided parents.
A new programme called Catie's Amazing Machines on CBeebies was responsible for the split opinion.
The 20-year-old presenter, Catie Munnings during an episode, referred to snowmen as snowpeople.
"Snow is amazing. You get to build snowpeople and go sledging," she said.
Taking to Twitter, people expressed their views about the inclusive language.
One dad, Chris said: "Got CBeebies on for the kids, talking about snow and how you can build 'snow people' so we can't even say snowman now more".
Whilst another mum, Laura said: "Watched Catie's Amazing Machines with my 4-year-old this morning as she loves it. However... Snowpeople?! Really?... Do they really require a gender? Even my 4-year-old said it was a silly word because they're snowmen. Fact."
However, the term 'snowpeople' was backed by a campaign last year, which claimed that snowman was outdated.
The word snowpeople became popular as awareness around gender-fluid and non-binary people increased.
One mum posted a picture of her daughter in the snow on social media and said: "Our kids had a great day building snowpeople."
A proud grandmother took to Twitter to show off her grandkids hard work, saying: "My grandkids with their prospective snow persons."
What do you think about the terminology?
Do you think that snowman is outdated and we should now embrace and use snowperson?