Teacher Bret Turner was taken aback after a first grader had a very poignant response to his class' weekly riddle. 


The puzzle of the week the educator had given them was: "I am the beginning of everything, the end of everywhere. I'm the beginning of eternity, the end of time and space."


One philosophical student looked at the riddle and replied simply, "Death."


Bret and the rest of the class were so shocked that the teacher shared the incident on his Twitter:


"The first guess from one of my first graders was 'death' and such an awed, sombre, reflective hush fell over the class that I didn’t want to tell them that actually the answer is the letter e, which just seemed so banal in the moment."



That answer is... deep. And a bit grim. 


The first graders had a couple more guesses before their teacher filled them in.



One thing's for sure - that is not a boring classroom to teach.


Bret occasionally shares other first grade antics on Twitter - and they are absolute GOLD.


Like when one student's backpack was unfortunately stolen, and the teacher was schooled in what really matters to his students.




I mean, he's not wrong.


Hopefully, that student gets a new kitten folder soon! And the one that answered the riddle gets a little less macabre. 


What's the most philosophical thing your little one has surprised you with, mums?

