New Jersey based photographer, Danielle Guenther has put together a series of photographs aimed at highlighting the crazy struggles of being pregnant and the results are pretty funny.


This isn't Danielle's first time poking fun at motherhood though, a couple of years ago she had a series about parenthood and it was a huge hit.


Danielle spoke to BabyCenter about her new photography series saying:

“This is a spin off from the first series, Best Case Scenario, that dealt more with chaotic situations."



“I wanted to rewind and bit and shed light on the all of the crazy struggles you experience when you’re pregnant."



"It’s a serious job growing a human! Especially if you have little ones at home already! It’s a job only for a superhero.”



“I have always believed that laughter… is the best way to get through parenthood."



“As wild as those moments may be, they will be the stories you will live to tell over and over again. One day we’ll be hugging them goodbye with their bags packed and just wish for these days back.”



Some of these hit a little close to home.


SHARE these hilarious photographs of pregnancy.


