If you’ve had a vaginal delivery and your doctor gives you the all clear, then you should be able to start working out your abs from around four to six weeks after your child is born.
Before you start your workouts invest in dumbbells in varying weights as well as a resistance band. Always remember to warm up your muscles before you start working out too.
One of the best workouts to start with is the leg slide. To do this you need to lie on your back on the floor with your knees bent. Exhale and tighten your abs while you press your lower back towards the floor. Slide your legs slowly away from you, keeping your abs tight, until your back starts to arch, and then slide them back towards you. Repeat eight to ten times. As your stomach muscles strengthen, you should find that your legs can go further away before your back starts to arch.
Another great exercise for new mums is the resistance band lat pull down, which requires you to start seated on a chair with your arms straight above your head, shoulder width apart, and a resistance band stretched between your hands.
Keep the band pulled taut and then bend your elbows, bringing your arms and the band downwards until it touches your collar bone.
The last exercise to consider is the seated lat row. In this exercise you again start seated on a chair, this time with a dumbbell in each hand. Lean forward towards your knees while keeping your back flat. Now bring your arms up by bending your elbows, then straighten your arms again, before repeating eight to ten times.
It’s important to note that if you’ve had a caesarean you won’t be able to exercise until your doctor gives you the go ahead, and in any case, it’s better to clear any exercise plans with your doctor. He or she can probably also recommend easy exercises that you can do to get started.

