Stay active
Staying active while you’re pregnant is helpful for a number of reasons such as preventing wear on joints which can loosen due to hormonal changes, help ease back pain, and help you prepare for birth by increasing heart health. Just 30 minutes a day of moderate, low impact exercises like aerobics, walking, or swimming are ideal – but don’t go overboard! It’s recommended to keep your heart rate under 140BPM and avoid high intensity exercise and contact sports.
Supplement your diet
It’s important to make sure your baby is getting all the nutrients it needs right from the start, and even before conception. Your baby's neural cord, which becomes the brain and spinal cord, develops within the first month of pregnancy. Women are currently advised to take a 400mcg folic acid supplement prior to conception and for at least the first twelve weeks of pregnancy, but the benefits of folic acid supplementation extend throughout the whole of pregnancy. All Pregnacare range contains 400mcg folic acid with Pregnacare Max containing important vitamins and minerals vital for mother and baby, like:
Vitamin B12
Vitamin D
Omega 3
Sustain your Omega 3 Intake
Although it is important to make sure you are getting all the right vitamins and nutrients, Omega 3 plays a huge part in pregnancy also. Fatty acids in Omega 3 play a crucial role in the growth and development of your baby. In a nutshell, DHA (a type of Omega 3) is essential for the proper growth and development of babies’ eyes and brains. Our brains are 60 percent fat and around 20 percent should be made of Omega 3 fatty acids. You can get adequate amounts of Omega 3 by eating a variety of foods, including:
Fish and other seafood (especially cold-water fatty fish, such as salmon, mackerel, tuna, herring, and sardines)
Nuts and seeds (such as flaxseed, chia seeds, and walnuts)
The right supplements such as the Pregnacare range
Limit your caffeine intake and stay hydrated
Consuming high levels of caffeine during pregnancy can result in dehydration, low birth weight or even miscarriage. Pregnant women dehydrate more quickly than normal, so drink plenty of water and try to limit your caffeine intake during pregnancy to less than 200mg a day. Remember that caffeine can hide in things other than coffee and tea, for example, cola, energy drinks, hot chocolate and chocolate bars.
Use fruit to recharge
Fruit is especially helpful in providing a refreshing boost while you’re limiting caffeine. Not only that, but Vitamin C rich citrus fruits such as oranges, tangerines, grapefruit, lemons, and tomatoes help your body absorb and effectively use iron and other nutrients from your food and supplements. Fruits are also slow releasing carbohydrates that are lighter on the digestive system, so they can provide you with a bit of energy – great to eat in early labour.
Indulge in cravings once in a while
Food cravings are common during pregnancy and can be defined as ‘a compulsive urge for a food which there was no previous excessive desire.’ Indulging in your unhealthy cravings as a treat once in a while will do no harm, so long as it’s alongside a healthy, balanced diet.
Should we be eating for two?
The idea that pregnant women need to eat for two is a myth, and falling for this can be the cause of excess weight gain. So long as you’re getting the recommended nutrients through food and supplements like Pregnacare, there is no need to increase your caloric intake through the first two trimesters. In the third trimester, it’s recommended to increase your energy intake by just 200kcals per day.
Surround yourself with support
If possible, surround yourself with other mums or mums-to-be, including your own mum! Support and advice from other mums you’re close to who have been through the same thing can be invaluable. Hearing the experiences and missteps of other mums will help you immensely down the line.