Fisher-Price is one of the most beloved toy brands all over the world, so it’s only natural that people were left scratching their heads over this intriguing new ‘toy’!


The parents of Twitter flew into a rage this week, after an image of the ‘Happy Hour Playset’ for three-year-olds began doing the rounds.


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An image of the set features two children holding ‘beer bottles’, while a toddler ‘barman’ wipes down the bar. Included in the set are a ‘pretend bar’, ‘bar stools’ and ‘beer bottles’.



Needless to say, this is definitely NOT the kind of toy we want our little ones asking Santa for, and Twitter user Sunlyte05 took Fisher-Price to task over it.


“Your standards and morals have disappeared. This is horrible…of you to GUIDE our babies in this direction,” she wrote.


The response from the toy company was swift – and it seems we were ALL fooled!



Unsurprisingly, the Happy Hour Playset is NOT a Fisher-Price toy, and the image doing the rounds is actually a cleverly-edited Photoshop job.


“Please know that this product is not endorsed, produced or approved by Fisher-Price,” a tweet from the company’s official Twitter account read.


Others didn’t seem to get the memo however, and the company has been forced to allay the fears of many, many more parents!



“We promise you that is not a real Fisher-Price product, and thanks for giving us the opportunity to clear things up!” read another tweet.


Thank heavens for that!

