As any parent out there reading this will attest to, all we can do on a daily basis is amble along and try our very best to do the right thing for our children. This is exactly what David Rosenman did for his nine-year-old recently, and he didn’t expect the following reaction from a keen-eyed spectator.


In a now viral Facebook post, David explains how he set off for his usual coffee morning with his daughter last weekend, and while he usually uses that time to check his emails and read the paper, his little one requested that he shun these modern distractions and simply ‘be’ with her on that day.


Naturally, David was only too happy to grant his daughter’s simple wish: “I’m not trying to be melodramatic; that was her question. So today, we were together. She showed me her yarn project. I recalled the day she was born. We compared notes about whether or not couples at other tables were on ‘dates’…She told me about her friends and their hamsters.”


What David was not expecting, however, was the note left on his table when he returned from ordering a snack for his other child: it was a letter from an unidentified teacher, praising him for his actions.


Dear Fellow Human Beings,This morning, at her request, I took our 9-year-old daughter to a coffee shop. She brought...

Posted by David Rosenman on Sunday, November 22, 2015


“You have no idea what a gift you are giving to all the teachers who are responsible for educating her [his daughter] from now until she graduates,” read the note.


David was touched, naturally, by the words, and he shared the letter on Facebook along with a word of advice for parents: don’t wait for your child to plead for attention.


“Expect that no one will leave a note for you – such beauty in this world is far too rare. I invite you to share the gift of this experience with me: choose to be present today…for someone you love,” wrote David.


There is something for everyone to learn from this heartwarming exchange.


