Kim Kardashian's nude shoot has led to a lot of discussion about women's actions once they become mums.


In particular, Naya Rivera’s comment, “I normally don't.'re someone's mother..." brought to our attention the notion that once you become a mother you can’t do certain things. So we asked our MummyPages mums their views on how women should behave once they have a family, and the results were refreshing.


While nearly half of the respondents believe that Naya was right to give her opinion, and almost 80% admitted to considering their role as a mum before doing something, most felt that women can do what they like once their child is happy and safe.


From the results and the comments, there seems to be a mutual idea that once the woman is not putting her child in harm’s way then she was free to do what she liked. “There is a time and place for all kinds of actions. As long as your behaviour doesn't/won't have negative repercussions towards your child then I think you should still get to be a person not just a parent” wrote one mum. Another agreed by saying, “As long as they're not neglectful I don't see why others feel the need to pry into their business. Each to their own.”


However, while most mums felt women could do what they liked, the one thing that really stood out was them taking part in dangerous activities that could put their life at risk. “They should not put their life in danger as it's not just them that would be affected if something goes wrong. Otherwise live and let live” argued one mum. This sentiment was reiterated by another: “[don’t] Do dangerous activities (sky diving etc) leaving a child motherless isn't worth it!”


Things like cursing, getting drunk, partying like you’re free and single, posing naked or riding a motorbike were also among the very small proportion of things that respondents felt mums shouldn’t do.


However, it seems once maturity and responsibility played a role in your decision making then you were free to do what you liked. As one mum explained, “I don't think being a mother stops you being a women but I do think maturity and responsibility have to play a role in your decision making.”


At the end of the day, as one mum wrote: “[Mums] can do what they like as long as the child is safe. We are mothers, not dead!”


