Pregnancy is a time of celebration and expectations. While you can maintain most of your pre-pregnancy lifestyle, there are a few things you need to change.
Easier said than done, we know; however it is important you try to make the effort to at least reduce the amount of stress in your life. Stress just adds pressure to your already out of control hormones and it is not good for your baby. Try to stay positive and talk to your boss if your workload is starting to become a bundle of stress.
Opt for caffeine-free tea if possible and reduce your coffee consumption. While it may be hard, realistically it is only for a short amount of time.
Inhaling second hand smoke
Even if you don’t smoke, inhaling second hand smoke, it's just a dangerous to your baby if you were to have a cigarette.
Toxic household cleaners
Use this as a great excuse to avoid housework for nine months. Toxic products can be absorbed into your blood stream, which can pass through to baby, so try to buy all natural products if possible.
Soft cheese
It is important to avoid soft cheeses like Brie, Camembert and Feta as they are likely to have not have been pasteurised and may contain Listeria - a bacteria that can cause miscarriage and stillbirth. Listeria can also infect the baby during labour.  
Raw eggs
Raw eggs should also be avoided as they carry salmonella which causes food poisoning. Symptoms include headache, nausea, abdominal pain and it can cause dehydration and even blood poisoning. To avoid catching it make sure your eggs are fully cooked and that you avoid consuming mayonnaise or nay other foods containing raw egg.
Unwashed vegetables
Make sure all your vegetables are washed prior to consumption. They might contain harmful bacteria which can trigger toxoplasmosis, a syndrome that causes birth defects and low birth weight. 

