It’s back-to-school time all over the country, and mums are running around trying to get everything done in time for September.
It’s not just kids who would much prefer to hide under their blanket come 1st September though, mums would too, and here’s why:
Back to homework
Homework is beneficial, we all know that, but it’s not just tough on kids – it can be pretty hard for mums too. First you have to actually figure out what they have to do, then you have to try to remember what you learnt when you were there, and if your little one comes anywhere near you with their French or German book you just want to run a mile. You just don’t do foreign languages.
Back to uniforms           
Ugh. You can never remember if it’s tracksuit day or uniform day and there is always a sock missing. And what’s more, your little one comes home covered in yoghurt and they need to wear the same clothes tomorrow. Now is the time to whip out a damp cloth and get scrubbing.
The days of letting kids run wild and free until dark are well and truly gone.  Now they need to be in bed at a reasonable hour and the thoughts of fighting them to go to sleep are simply daunting.
School lunches
School lunches are a bit of a pain if we’re being honest and a ham sandwich can only satisfy your little one for so long, but your imagination just won’t take you any further. We can stick shopping in here as well. Now you need a proper list, no more just winging it in the grocery store - you need to make plans.
The other mothers
You have spent a lovely two months not worrying about having to hide from certain school gate mums – but now it’s time to face them again. Thankfully, you still have some time to think about ingenious ways to avoid any awkward conversations.
Being organised
Now you have to be organised, which means spending your evenings checking homework, preparing lunches, getting uniforms ready, signing notes or handing out money. Say goodbye to your soaps. You won’t see them until next May.

