If you find yourself smiling and nodding knowingly while reading this list, then you're definitely a mum:
  1. You no longer find yourself becoming embarrassed
  2. You find yourself watching dora the explorer by yourself
  3. Instead of lipstick and eyeliner, you now carry baby wipes, pieces of lego and my little ponies
  4. You no longer need sleep to survive and instead rely on very strong coffee to get through the day
  5. Getting to go grocery shopping alone feels like treating yourself to a weekend away
  6. You never thought it was possible to love and be loved this much
  7. Sleeping in until seven am is a lie in
  8. You wouldn’t dream of leaving home without a pack of trusty wet wipes in your bag
  9. You hear a baby throwing a tantrum on a plane and feel nothing but sympathy for the mum
  10. It takes an hour to leave the house to run a ten minute errand
  11. Most of your Google searches begin with, ‘Is it normal if my child.....’
  12. When you get to spend long enough in the shower to use shampoo and conditioner, you feel like you’ve just had a spa treatment
  13. You catch yourself saying things that make you worry you’re turning into your own mother
  14. You hide in the bathroom just to get a few minutes peace and quiet
  15. Every item of clothing you own is stained
  16. You’re too busy chasing the kids to brush their hair in the morning that you forget to brush your own
  17. You cry tears of happiness when you convince your very fussy eater to try some broccoli
  18. You seem to spend most of your day vacuuming, doing laundry and ironing.
  19. You have memorised your child's favourite books because he begs you to read them so often
  20. You find yourself thinking at least once a day, that you’re just not cut out for motherhood but you wouldn’t change being a mum for all the world

