Social Transition
If your tween is fortunate, they will be entering secondary school with friends. However, in the majority of cases they could easily get separated from their primary school friends due to different classes or sometimes the harsh reality, they can simply grow apart. Remind your tween that even though it might not seem like it, everyone else in their year is in the exact same shoes as they are. Encourage your tween to be the one to make the first move. It could be starting a conversation about subjects or even where they’re classmates are from. Sometimes it’s a good idea to get your child to join after school clubs, where they can meet friends who have the same interests as them.
Class Transition
Your tween is now spending longer hours in school and unlike primary school, they could have up to 9 classes a day with a total of 13 teachers a week. Your tween will now be removed from the safety of being in the same room to now, constantly moving all across the campus every 40 minutes. This could take a while for your child to get used to and that also includes the amount of workload it can bring on your child. But remind your child to give it time, it’s a big transition and even some teachers may not act like it, they are well aware of it. Within a month of starting secondary school, they will be able to handle their new schedule with ease. However, if it has been a few months and your child is still struggling, it’s probably best to talk to their year head to figure out why this maybe.
Even though it may be a frightening experience for your tween, remind them it can also be an exciting transition and a new opportunity to learn new things, as well as the ability to make new friends.