Most of us like to think we’re all fairly clued up on things like pregnancy and the human body, but there are still a few things we are still discovering.


Here are ten interesting facts about pregnancy that you probably never really knew about.


Pregnancy lasts 280 days

When we think of pregnancy we always think of it as being nine months or 40 weeks long, but when you see it put in days it kind of makes it seem like it is a lot longer.


Expectant mothers will commonly suffer from nosebleeds

Blood flow to your nose is increased due to hormonal changes making you experience more nosebleeds than you normally would.


Most babies aren’t born on their due date

Less than 10% of babies actually arrive on their due date. So if you are expecting your little one to arrive on theirs you are in for a shock.


Most experience morning sickness

Nearly ¾ of mums-to-be suffer with morning sickness – although experiences vary from mild to severe.


You do actually glow – well kind of

During pregnancy your oil glands will become more active giving you a shiny complexion. Add your increased blood flow to your face and you’re simply glowing.


Your nose will smell better

Near the end of the first trimester a pregnant woman will experience an increased sense of smell.  This is to help you avoid eating something that is not good for you.


Your baby drinks their own urine

After a few months your baby will urinate into the womb which will mix with the amniotic fluid. When they swallow this fluid they will be drinking their own wee.


Feet don’t actually grow when pregnant

While you may notice your shoes are feeling a little too tight, it’s not down to the fact that the bones have grown any bigger - you can blame it on water retention and fluid.


If you’re tall your chances of having twins is higher

Your body type affects whether you are going to have multiple births or not.


The longest pregnancy

And finally just incase you were wondering, the longest pregnancy ever recorded lasted 375 days – we’ll just leave you with that thought. 

