Being pregnant is meant to be a fun, exciting and wonderful journey, but other people can easily turn a positive into a negative! 


As soon as you announce your pregnancy a lot of people automatically assume you are up for public scrutiny, and that passing judgement or comment on any aspect of it is fair game.


Mums, women without children and even dads all seem to have something to say as soon as you announce you are expecting. While some of it is good advice some of it can be rude, judgemental and downright inappropriate!


Here are ten things you’ll find people judge you for when you are pregnant.


1. What you eat

You’ll no doubt get a few stares as soon as you open your mouth to enjoy that Big Mac or when you go to buy soft cheese at the grocery store, even if it’s not for you.


2. What you wear

You’ll be considered scruffy if you wear leggings and jumpers and above yourself if you wear skinny jeans and heels...


3. Your name choices

If listing off your name choices to other parents prepare for a few ‘oh no, don’t go for that’ or ‘why aren’t you choosing a family name?’



4. What you drink

Choosing normal tea over the decaf stuff or even having a cup of coffee will no doubt leave people tutting all around you.


5. Too much or too little exercise

If you’re not seen pounding the pavements every day you’re the worst for not staying fit and healthy; if you’re seen running or lifting weights people think you’re harming your unborn baby. Nobody is ever happy!


6. How you look

Whether you put on a lot of weight or none at all, people will comment on it – usually out of jealously if we’re honest.


7. Whether you’re having a good or a bad pregnancy

Yes, people will judge you whether you are having a flawless nine months or a more difficult one.



8. The size of your bump

Even things you can’t control will be up for scrutiny. Seriously.


9. Whether you are considering bottle or breastfeeding

You haven’t even had the baby and someone, somewhere will pass comment on this.


10. The type of buggy you buy

“Oh, you really went for that one...”




