When you announce to the world that you are pregnant, keep in mind that telling family is so very different to telling your friends. The ones you tell your deepest, darkest secrets to might not react exactly how you'd like them to!


Here are 18 ways your friends might react to your news:


The curious friend

“So how’d that happen?” Eh...


The practical one

“Have you been taking your prenatal vitamins?”


The kind of mean one

“But you just lost a load of weight.”


The one who starts to get broody

If I had one now they could be like siblings....


The supportive friend

“I’ll totally not drink with you – until Saturday, at least.”


The friend who points out the obvious

“You're going to have to push a person out of you!”


The overly enthusiastic one

“Oh.My.God. Can I touch your bump?”


The one who is grateful to welcome you into the club

“Finally, someone will understand my enthusiasm for early nights!”


The friend who doesn’t like change, at all

“So no ski trip this year, no?”


The only who feels sorry for you

“But your body will never be the same again, ever...”


The one who can’t understand your excitement

“You do know you'll be spending your day wiping up poo and sick...?!”


The one who makes it all about them

“I’m totally going to be Godmother, right?”


The one who starts to reminisce

“It only feels like yesterday that we were getting drunk behind the bike shed.”


The one who’s in denial

“Let’s go celebrate with cocktails...”


The one who makes you question your ability

“But you can't even cook chicken without freaking out it’s not done... hmmm!”


The one who takes charge

“Right, tell me when all your appointments are and I'll make sure you never miss one.”


The medical one

"Are your boobs sore?"


The true friend

“I totally guessed already! Eek!”  


