Pregnancy can be an overwhelming and emotionally draining time.


Worrying about every single ailment or twinge can be physically exhausting, but it is important to be vigilant when it comes to your health and the health of your baby. 


If you experience any of the following symptoms, you should get in touch with your doctor or midwife straight away: 


1. Dizziness

Dizziness occurs when your blood pressure drops, but you should always get in touch with your doctor if your dizziness is accompanied by headaches and abdominal pain.  


2. Blurred vision

Blurred vision or any sight problems can indicate preeclampsia which needs swift medical attention.



3. Bleeding  

While not always a sign that something is wrong, bleeding can be caused by a vaginal tear or a miscarriage so it is important you contact your doctor as soon as you notice spotting or heavy bleeding.


4. Fewer baby movements than normal

As your baby grows you will notice them moving around a lot - these movements will get stronger throughout the nine months. Make sure you keep an eye on when their quiet or active time is and inform your midwife if they don’t seem to be moving around as much as normal.



5. Swollen hands or feet

While swollen hands and feet can be a sign of fluid retention, you should always mention it to your GP, especially if it is accompanied by a headache as it could be preeclampsia.


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