Having a new little bundle of joy to look after can make it harder to stay on track with your budget, so it’s a good idea to follow some of these tips:
Budget weekly to help avoid unplanned spending: Create a realistic budget by looking at areas where you can afford to cut back a little on and stick to it. Put the extra money into a savings account (check out savings accounts that allow you to ‘top up’) and avoid the temptation to overspend on baby stuff. Yes the clothes are cute but your little bundle of joy will soon outgrow them.
Stagger spending on annual and occasion expenses such as school uniforms, books and school shoes, Christmas, birthdays and holidays, car and house insurance.
Review your non-essential spending and make small adjustments where possible as every little helps.
Compare grocery and other cost providers: Shop around for baby items such as nappies, formula (if using) and baby toiletries. Take advantage of promotional offers so long as they reduce your shopping bill and you actually do need the items.
Compare grocery and other costs across providers – only avail of promotional offers (such as ‘3 for 2’) if you really need the items and you they will reduce the money you have to spend.
Stick to using just one credit card, and try to avoid using credit cards to meet day-to-day expenses unless you know exactly when you can pay it off.
Read more: Why do I need a nest egg?