When we are pregnant, many of us set expectations of how we will be as parents. And while this is perfectly normal, some of these expectations are often too high and can put you under unnecessary stress.  


You are also likely to have your rose tinted glasses on, and will find yourself saying a number of things that you will totally believe at the time!


Here are ten things about how we’ll parent that we are likely to say when we are expecting: 


1. “My kids will only ever have sweets on a Friday”

Until you realise that means you can only have sweets on a Friday as well. 


2. “They won’t be allowed watch TV”

That is until you realise that the telly is actually the best way for you to get some chores done. 



3. “I’ll still enjoy nights out with the girls”

Well, until you realise that a hangover and children don’t make a very good combination. 


4. “I won’t sweat the small stuff” 

And you’ll believe this right up until the moment your little one decides to eat a handful of grass. 


5. “I won’t change that much” 

Until you realise that you actually want to! 



6. “I’ll be a patient mum, and not rush my kids”

Apart from every morning when you are running late...


7. “My kids will always be immaculately dressed” 

Until you've changed their outfit for the forth time that day. 


8. “I won’t be on my phone near my baby” 

Until you have to answer a very important email or check your Facebook page. 



9. “I’ll still manage to look glamorous leaving the house” 

Until you are too tired to care how you look. 


10. “My home will always look tidy”

Even if that means stuffing shoes and bags into a cupboard when the doorbell rings. 




