Your nose, and stomach, can both become very sensitive during pregnancy, meaning certain smells will have you running to the bathroom any time of day.


So if you have invited an expectant friend over for lunch or dinner, or you plan on hanging out with them anytime in the near future, bear the following smells to avoid in mind - otherwise you'll end up holding their hair back, but not for the same reasons as when you were in college...


1. Cheese

Soft, raw or hard it just has a nasty smell, especially if it resembles dirty socks.


2. Meat

Meat doesn’t have a very appealing smell at the best of times, and it's the WORST ever when you’re already a little sick...



3. Vomit

Smelling vomit when you’re feeling nauseous is NEVER a good idea...


4. Sweat

Especially if it’s someone else’s body odour – yuck!


5. Bleach

At least you have an excuse not to clean the toilet anymore!


6. Strong perfume

Musty, flowery or powdery, if you can smell it from the other side of the road it’s a no-no!



7. Burnt potatoes

Just don't even go there...


8. Stewed tea

A) It's a crime to stew the tea; B) The smell takes AGES to go away!


9. Bad breath

Smelling someone else’s bad breath is never a good experience - buy a supply of chewing gum just in case...


10. Fish

The lingering smell after it has been cooked can take over the WHOLE house!



11. Dog poo

Pregnant or not this is never a good smell!


12. Dog food

Yes, it’s just as bad as their poo.


13. Cigarettes

One word: Bleugh!


14. Eggs

They may taste nice but their smell is HORRENDOUS!


15. Garlic

Especially burnt garlic – oh dear!




