Being pregnant, it’s easy, well not easy per se, to not think beyond your nine months and your life after you give birth.


However, it is important that you recognise that from the very off, there are a few things that you need to teach your baby, even before they are able to understand what it is they are being taught. This way it will just become instinct.


To depend on you

Give your baby lots of cuddles and kisses and be their security blanket that helps them settle at night. Letting them know that you are there for them from the get go will ensure they grow up knowing that they can come to you when they need to.


That the world is a beautiful place

The world has so much beauty and while a child’s exploration of it in the early years will see it for its rawness, teaching them to look deeper and beyond what they see is a skill that will stay with them right through to adult life.


To challenge themselves

Make sure that your child has the ability to challenge themselves at least once a day. Start from a very early age by giving them toys to hold or shapes to match up. Remember, you’re not trying to make baby be a genius but rather try to challenge them to get them thinking. 


That books are amazing

Long before your little one can understand what it is you are doing, read to them. This will ensure reading becomes a habit and a way of life rather than simply something that must be done in school.


To have fun

Make sure you take the time to have lots of fun with your little one; from playing peek-a-boo when they are small, to arts and crafts when they are bigger always ensure they know that life is all about having fun – an important skill that they need in adult life

