It is easy enough to ask your midwife or sonographer whether you are having a boy or a girl, but where's the fun in that?!


From how you look to how other people react to you, there are plenty of ways to tell if you'll be reaching for the blue paint over the baby pink shade


Here are eight fun ways to tell if you're having a boy*:


1. You're carrying high 

No, this does not mean how your carry items in your hands... It's to do with where your bump is sitting - high up under your boobs for a boy or lower down near your crotch for a girl. 


2. You CRAVE savoury food 

We all know that girls are made of sugar and spice, so it's not all that surprising that you tend to long for savoury foods when you're expecting a boy! 



3. Little girls want to hug you

Now this one is a bit unusual, to be fair... They say that if a little girl shows affection towards you then you are going to be having a boy. They are apparently the complete opposite if there’s a girl in there – jealously perhaps?!


4. You’re baby's heart is NOT going into overdrive

Boys tend to be a little more relaxed than girls so it’s not all that surprising that one way to tell if it’s a boy is by their heart rate. If it’s under 140 beats per minute, then there’s a little guy in there.


5. Key grab

Have someone place a key in front of you: if you grab it by the fat part it’s time to buy the blue paint!



6. You’ve turned in Mr. Clumsy overnight

Boys tend to make their mothers a little more clumsy – so if you’re constantly walking into things or stumbling over (fairly obvious!) items then you’ll be buying blue.


7. Chinese gender predictor

If your age and year of conception are one odd and one even then you can skip the girls’ name section in the baby books!


8. Lost in dreams

So apparently if you dream about having a girl, you’re actually going to end up having a boy – yeah the world’s a CRAZY place!


Now you just have to brace yourself for this...



*Disclaimer: They're not 100% accurate... and a little girl may actually pop out! 


SHARE if you think you’re having a little boy.


