With the news that Amal Clooney and Beyoncé have both given birth recently, twins seem to be the talk of the town at the moment. 


So with that in mind, we did a little research into twins, and discovered some really interesting facts.


Check these out mums:


1. Twins may cause more morning sickness

It is no secret that you can have morning sickness during any pregnancy, but it may be worse if you’re expecting twins.


One of the theories behind morning sickness is that it’s caused by increased hormone levels, and two babies mean more hormones. 



2. Tall women are more likely to have twins

Doctor Gary Steinman studied the link between height and having twins. He found that taller women have more of a certain protein that is released by the liver in response to the growth hormone, causing long bones to grow.


This protein also increases ovulation, therefore increasing the chances of multiple births.


3. Twins can interact with each other in the womb

Researchers at the University of Turin and the University of Parma, in Italy, found that twins will interact with each other in the womb, from about 14 weeks gestation. 


How sweet is that? 



4. Mums of twins may live longer

Apparently, mums who have twins may actually live longer. A study that was carried out by the Proceedings of the Royal Society reviewed statistics on thousands of twin mums, and found a trend toward “lower postmenopausal mortality.”


Basically, mums who had twins lived longer after menopause than those who never had twins.


5. Women who eat a lot of dairy are more likely to have twins

Doctor Gary Steinman did a study that found that women who ate dairy products were FIVE times as likely to have twins as non-dairy eating vegans. 


More dairy, more babies. 



6. Twins have their own language

Yep, the theories are true.


A study from the University of Amsterdam discovered that 40 percent of twins create languages that only make sense to them, as a pair.


These secret languages usually develop early, and tend to include "invented words and onomatopoeic expressions". 



