Concern re pregnancy weight gain

Last updated: 08/10/2012 22:43 by jtjenster to jtjenster's Blog
Filed under: Nutrition & Fitness
Hi folks. I would appreciate your opinion/advice on this. I am not pregnant but am recently married and it is something we plan to do when the time is right. I have the normal concerns around healthy pregnancy, emotional concerns, financial concerns etc esp in these recessionary times. But having been listening to my husband chatting with mutual friends, I now have a concern around weight gain. I was pregnant 8 yrs ago but the baby wasn't viable and I lost it at 12 weeks. I had terrible morning sickness up to this time, and as a result I wasn't able to eat very much at all, dry toast or a sandwich at most. I still gained around 7lbs in that time and went up 2 cup sizes in my bra despite the fact that I could eat very little without vomiting. My husband and I were speaking with mutual friends and they started giving out about pregnant women using the excuse of being pregnant to eat as much as they like an pile on weight. Now I understand you don't eat for 2 and should eat a healthy diet in pregnancy, but it infuriated me to hear them speak this way. Firsly because I had put on weight so quickly without overeating, and secondly, I had a friend who had gained 5 stone in pregnancy, despite the fact that she was very careful with her diet and breastfed her 2 children. I think some women are just luckier than others when it comes to pregnancy weight, and this attitude hurt and upset me. I think pregnant women have enough on their plate without worrying about their husband or 'friends' making sweeping statements like this. Am I being unreasonable? I'd hate to think of people making comments like that about me, if I were to put on weight despite my best efforts. All I should be worried about is my health and welfare of my baby?
Déanta in Éirinn - Sheology