Do you feel like a taxi driver?

Last updated: 19/09/2013 10:37 by MollyMumofTwo to MollyMumofTwo's Blog
Filed under: Mums like us, School Age Kids
A new study has revealed that parents will chauffeur their kids over a distance of 125,817 miles before they turn 18.
To put that figure in perspective, that’s about half the distance you would travel to get to the moon.
Over one third of parents now have a car each and those with children in primary school make an average of 134 trips each month. For the average family, children’s trips include 28 family outings, 12 visits to friends' homes and 11 to sports practice.
Thankfully driving duties begin to decrease as the child reaches secondary school, with teens needing to be driven on about 100 journeys.
In total, the average parent will spend 25 hours and ten minutes behind the wheel each month for their children.
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