Follow our MummyPages Mum In Residence trip to LEGOLAND. Day 2

Last updated: 06/04/2016 17:29 by MumInResidence to MumInResidence's Blog
Filed under: MumInResidence, Travel
The Novotel hotel was just a short 35 minutes drive to Legoland. Google Maps came to our rescue again here and guided us to the theme park with precision accuracy. Today, being the Friday that the Easter holidays commenced, the English schools were still in session until the late afternoon so we had Legoland practically to ourselves! The queues for the rides and attractions were only a few short minutes and so we managed to cover every inch of the Legoland map with plenty of time to enjoy a delicious meal in one of the onsite restaurants. 
I spotted a handy 'Q-Bot' smartphone app that allows you to save time on queuing for certain rides when inside Legoland. It's basically a ride reservation service that allows you to reserve your place in the queue line for your favourite ride, whereupon you receive your special ride time.Once it’s your time to ride, enter through the Q-Bot entrance and show your QR code on your smartphone. To allow for fair usage you can just reserve one ride at a time. 
Déanta in Éirinn - Sheology