Follow our MummyPages Mum In Residence trip to LEGOLAND. Day 4

Last updated: 08/04/2016 17:50 by MumInResidence to MumInResidence's Blog
Filed under: Travel
The trip home started with a four and a half hour drive from our hotel in Reading, located near Legoland, to the port of Holyhead in Wales. Here we would board a ferry which would take us to Dublin port in just over three hours.

The driving conditions were perfect, we got up early and were on the road by 7:30am. We had everything packed from the night before and even organised breakfast 'to-go' with the hotel reception to make things easy. Lifting the kids from their slumber straight into the car worked a treat again for us. It was at least two hours before either of them woke with the infamous "are we there yet?" line of questioning.

There was one little hiccup however, Lucy was car sick for the first time a short time after waking but recovered quickly and I had plenty of wipes to hand. A quick change of clothes in a service station and wash-up and we were off again.
Because of all the motorways in Britain, there are some excellent roadside restaurants, supermarkets, coffee shops and fuel stations at each services stop. They alert you on the motorway too as to how long it is between each one so that you can make an informed choice as to when to stop.

We arrived in plenty of time for the ferry and stretched our legs at the Stenaline relaxing lounge before boarding the ship in our car using the priority lane. We were so glad we upgraded on the way over that we did it again for the return leg.
The movie being shown in the ferry's cinema was 'Pan' which neither of mine had seen so we all enjoyed passing the time cuddled up in the comfortable cinema seats together. A short disembark process ensued upon arrival in Dublin and it was no time before we were home ready to enjoy our Sunday dinner and prepare for Easter camp the next morning.
Déanta in Éirinn - Sheology