Getting Out

Last updated: 26/03/2015 19:22 by Newmumtales to Newmumtales's Blog
Filed under: Guest Bloggers
Getting out - sounds like an easy enough task. WRONG. When you have a new baby nothing about getting out is easy. It should officially go down as one of life’s hardest tasks.

I found this to be one of the biggest challenges in the first few weeks, I recall saying this before but trust me there’s definitely more than one challenge as a new Mum. I remember getting appointments for health checks and doctors, like a regular appointment with a time and a place and thought these people are crazy. How on earth am I supposed to get to a specific location with a specific time with a baby that’s content.

That was the biggest thing for me. A content baby. Nobody wants to arrive late, shoving doors open, pushing buggies, full of apologies and explanations that you feel nobody could possibly understand with a baby screaming the place down. And a content baby is no easy task for anyone, it involves feeding,
winding, changing, washing, clothing, avoiding sick, possibly changing again, and avoiding a nappy explosion and maybe another quick change!

I thought I had it sussed. I would do all of the above and just rock up without even brushing my hair. WRONG AGAIN. If you’re like me and Mr Maybelline or MAC is your best friend (I basically look sick without
makeup) do not rock up to any appointments like this. You’ll feel bad going in and after about twenty ´are you sure you’re ok? ´ Questions you’ll feel a million times worse.

People saying are you enjoying your time off? Are you getting out loads? Oh I have time off, it was news to me. Getting out? If you count walking around the corner or going for a drive to settle your baby and encourage them to have a well needed nap – then yes I’m getting out loads!!

The good news is it gets easier. It’s my turn to be one of the really annoying people and tell you something that seems so far from the truth you stopped listening five minutes ago. Four months in and I can honestly say we get out a lot more often with ease and not just around the corner or into the car for a drive. We can enjoy family walks, lunches and even dinners in a restaurant.

I’m trying to figure out what exactly makes it easier. You still have to do all of the above to get out with a content baby but like everything else in life it may not actually get easier, you just get better.
Déanta in Éirinn - Sheology