Green Isle - Mum In Residence Review

Last updated: 22/11/2013 15:16 by MumInResidence to MumInResidence's Blog
Filed under: MumInResidence, Food & Cooking
As a busy mum of two very spirited children, I can testify that Green Isle’s range of frozen food is my lifesaver.
I always have a few bags in the freezer so that I can whip up a quick meal for the family without compromising on nutrition. The Asian Stir Fry mix is a firm favourite in our house and is ready in a matter of minutes.
The frozen vegetable range is extensive and easy to steam cook in the microwave and then throw into rice or pasta. Steaming or microwaving your frozen vegetables minimises the loss of any water-soluble vitamins that have been preserved as part of the freezing process.
My two monkeys both started out as fussy eaters, not willing to try new foods, particularly vegetables. It used to break my heart when I’d prepare fresh vegetables only for the kids to refuse to eat it, never mind try it. I regularly had to throw out the contents of my vegetable drawer as it had gone off. 
Children’s behaviour experts say that the process for introducing new foods can be very slow, but if done gradually will reap rewards long-term.  The first step is for the children to allow the vegetable to be on their plate and once this happens a number of times, any fears they may be harbouring are broken down. Eventually they will bring it to their mouth, then taste it and then eat and enjoy it. 
When I tried this with my two using the Green Isle frozen green beans, cauliflower, broccoli, and spinach vegetables, it made the whole process so much easier - especially in terms of food preparation and the unnecessary food wastage. The brightly coloured carrots, petit pois peas and sweetcorn vegetables are the most popular ones in my house, probably because they have been eating them since they first tried solid foods!
So for time-poor mums who want to do right by their family, I would happily recommend the Green Isle frozen food range. At this time of year I love the ‘Time Saving Turkey & Stuffing Bake’ recipe on the MummyPages website. It makes for a brilliant winter warmer and is so easy - it’s more assembly than anything!
Déanta in Éirinn - Sheology