How to get holiday fit using your surroundings

Last updated: 15/06/2015 10:26 by LorraineHoBootCampIreland to LorraineHoBootCampIreland's Blog
Filed under: Motivation & Inspiration
It’s that time of year again and we have to take off the overcoats and let it all hang out! If you didn’t get round to earning your summer body during those cold winter months, then here are some tips and pointers on how to get holiday fit using the simple and free amenities right on our doorstep, along with some food tips and holiday fitness top tips!
Firstly, we are going to look at your kit! Start off by having a good pair of runners, no, Converse will not do... you need something that has good support and that you will feel comfortable in when out and about. Then get yourself some nice colourful and fun sports gear. The fitness fashion world is so colourful and trendy at the moment, that there is no excuse for wearing those oversized baggy t-shirts that you have been wearing since college... time to be confident and look the part! Wear tight fitting clothes and you will feel stronger and leaner when out training. And lastly, get yourself some fun music with a good beat that will keep you going throughout your workout, leave the Adele tunes for the chill times, and get some funky Mark Ronson tunes that you can’t help but move to!
Ok now you’re kitted out and feeling the part at least. Now let’s look at our options. Check out your local park and see what they have to offer for free. A bench for example is like a gym in itself! You can do tricep dips, step up step downs, press ups, inverted press ups, stretching, all angle planks, sit ups and so much more! But be diligent and note down the exercises that you are able for, then do up a chart of each exercise, and the number of reps you’d like to do. Aim for 3 sets of 12 to start off with, and build on that as the weeks go on. Then look for a chunky tree and use it for squats, stretching, resistance band work (tie the band around a secure branch), e.g. chest press, lateral raises, bicep curls and lots more. Then use trees or goalposts as markers in the park to pace yourself on interval sprints. This will get your fitness levels soaring and really help you burn calories for the holiday! Set out a plan on stick to it. Maybe arrange to meet a friend there twice a week for a catch up and some exercise! When you arrive at the park, make yourself do a few laps of the space allowed, and starting with a slow warm up jog for about 5 minutes, and then gradually building it up to a faster pace for about 10 minutes. That will get your heart rate up and followed by some dynamic stretches, you will be all set for your workout!
For a change of scenery once a week, why not get yourself out to the seaside and with or without your wetsuit, jump in for a dip. Especially after a jog or a workout, this is the most invigorating thing you can do! But don’t just jump in and out again, actually do some distance. Set yourself a target, and swim out to it and back. Sea swimming is a lot tougher than swimming in a pool, but way more interesting! When the weather is nice, I often jump on the bike, and cycle to either Seapoint or the Forty foot for a dip and then back on the back again home, and it makes me feel so good.
When it comes to getting in shape for holidays, I do go into panic mode and while I do eat well and healthy … most of the time, I fall off the wagon when tempted by a good night out with the girls, or simply a weekend of entertaining or being entertained if I’m lucky. So when this happens to the best of us, here are some things that you can do that work for me and kick start my ‘get in shape’ regime, with 3-4 weeks to go.
My exercise regime:​
  1. I’ll get up 2-3 mornings a week in time to go for a light jog, about 30-40mins. This totally shakes the cobwebs and gives my body a kick start for the day. If you can’t fit that in, then use the trip to work to get in some exercise.
  2. 2 other days a week I fit in a rigorous class of Bootcamp or something similar that will guarantee a full blow out session.
  3. Then 1 day at the weekend (sometimes 2), I’ll do a few hours of something leisurely, that I enjoy, and can include family or friends, and will get the heart rate up at the same time. Usually a cycle, mountain walk, or similar. If nothing else, it will keep you from thinking about food.
  4. Be sure to rest a day in between tough training sessions, to give your muscles a chance to recover – this is very important in any exercise programme… recovery, recovery, recovery!
Holiday Tips:
  1. Start as you mean to go on… go for a light jog/walk on your FIRST morning followed by a few simple exercises on the beach – you will feel fantastic and a little smug afterwards. This will set a nice habit for the remainder of your holiday that your body will thank you for.
  2. Bring your nicest training gear!
  3. Drink plenty of water during the day – the heat will cause you to sweat more and lose essential salts and water from your body.
  4. Avoid over-indulging on rich foods and alcohol every night – take the odd night off.
  5. Plan a few days of activities if possible. These days are a lot more memorable that sitting on a beach all day every day.
  6. Rent a bike and explore your surroundings
  7. Check out exercise classes in your resort and use the time to try something new!
Lorraine Ho, Founder of Bootcamp Ireland, is a judge for this year’s Coca-Cola Thank You Fund. Voluntary and non-profit organisations in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland are being encouraged to apply for the Coca-Cola Thank You Fund (the Fund), which will award a total of €125,000 in five separate grants this year. The grants will serve as major funding for innovative projects with new ideas to get us more active, more often.
Applications for the Fund are being accepted online until 6pm on the 29th of June at
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