IKEA Bring The Family Together - Let The Rain Drive You Crazy

Last updated: 23/11/2013 10:30 by MumInResidence to MumInResidence's Blog
Filed under: MumInResidence, Ikea Mum Bloggers
As Mum-in-Residence for MummyPages, I was really excited when IKEA asked me to check out their new “Bring the Family Together” range of ideas.  With family life sometimes feeling like it’s running on a timetable of eating, sleeping, drop-offs and pick-ups, that we have no time to just simply ‘be’. Be a family, have fun, get creative, make a mess...and not worry about the clean-up, or whether the ‘good-room’ is show-house ready!
Here's how I got on trying one of the IKEA creative tips to bring the family together - Let The Rain Drive You Crazy. You can download the tip sheet here.
What you need:
BRUMMA Soft toy with clothes (Bear)
GOSIG KANIN soft toy (Beige)
LÄSKIG glove puppet (Dragon)
LÖDDER broom (Grey)
Déanta in Éirinn - Sheology