IKEA Bring The Family Together - My Journey

Last updated: 25/10/2013 09:45 by MumInResidence to MumInResidence's Blog
Filed under: MumInResidence, Ikea Mum Bloggers
Did I really need an excuse to go to IKEA? I think not! I dropped off my little man to Montessori and told my darling Olivia that we were going to have a very exciting morning visiting a special shop that had everything a child could ever wish for!  To which she replied;
...And so it continued for the 25 minute drive up the M50 to IKEA.
The experience started off very well with a visit to the children's play centre, where she was happy to watch the other children play but not so keen on me leaving her there! So we headed straight to the children's section to pick up our bits and pieces for the activities. We had a trolley which was just as well as soon we were piling it high with finger puppets (one elephant included), colouring crayons, pencils, paper and paints, child-friendly plates and cups, stuffed toys and more! Last stop on the 1st floor was to the FAMILY section for a copy of The Princess and the Happiness book.  
We then made our way downstairs to the home decoration part of the store and stocked up on tissue paper, ribbon, cushions, cookie cutters, some bedding and a broom! The queue at the checkout was small and the promise of ice-cream in the Bistro located right beside the exit was enough to keep Olivia happy.
Olivia fell promptly asleep on the homeward journey to pick up James from school where my little man's eyes were full of wonder when he saw the contents of the car. There's lots of exciting fun ahead I promised them both :-)
Check back here to see what fun we had trying out the IKEA bring the family together ideas!
Déanta in Éirinn - Sheology