innocent drinks - my girls LOVED them

Last updated: 13/05/2013 12:34 by girlsmum to girlsmum's Blog
Filed under: Food & Cooking
Firstly - thanks innocent & MummyPages for this fantastic oppertunity to sample these wonderful products and have our say.

We are well aware of the innocent brand and have regularly had them - we do find them a tad expensive and only ever buy them when they’re on special offer, however saying this they are by far my girls’ favourite smoothie.

We have had the tubes, all the flavours of smoothie pouches and the orange juice without bits (very important in our house) the juice boxes (orange & apple). Last summer we froze some pouches which were gorgeous as ice smoothies.

My girls LOVED them. Everything was finished – not always in the first sitting but they keep well in the fridge. The bags they came in were a big hit – the 2 older girls have claimed them for their own use. I asked the girls to say what they thought in their own words

Nora (aged 7) My favourite is the bottle of peachy juice – it tastes like summer and I can have it all because the girls don’t like bits and I really liked bring the apple juice to school because nobody else had ever seen one.

Niamh (4½) I like the orange smoothie the best

Aoife (2½) Well lets just say Aoife liked them all.

I would definitely buy them all again but that would be dependent on special offers (sorry!) Planting the seeds was such fun – I am a bit of a control freak – love to have things done my way – so I left them at it and watched from afar. It was lovely to watch them take on their roles in planting the seeds, Nora loved reading the instructions to the younger ones and being all 'teachery' about it. Niamh was in charge of filling the pots with clay and Aoife had hold of the watering can. The girls had a ball.

The GIY Sow & grow project is a fantastic idea – it teaches them all about self suffiency and growing your own and explains how things grow. We are looking forward to the seed germinating and moving to bigger pots. We are even considering a plot in our small garden.
Déanta in Éirinn - Sheology