Lidl Full Shop - The Bazyluk Family - Week 4

Last updated: 20/06/2016 16:39 by Scoll to Scoll's Blog
Filed under: Lidl Mum Bloggers
Another surprise shop this week as I had a lot to get and managed to get everything I needed but the total came in at €80, that's around €60 less expensive than my normal shop which is amazing!
The weather took a turn for the worst this week so instead of BBQs, we planned a heart-warming Balti curry for the weekend. We added carrots, broccoli, onions, chicken and garlic along with the Balti sauce and it was delicious! We also had fab cheese toasties with the Lidl bread from the bakery and some of the block cheese, this went down really well with the boys in the house.
I also decided to try out the Lidl Nespresso capsules this week as I had run out of coffee and didn't have time to get to town. The coffee was really smooth and certainly hit the spot each morning.
Overall I am so impressed with Lidl, the range is much better than I expected and the value is incredible!
Déanta in Éirinn - Sheology