Long awaited blessing

Last updated: 27/04/2012 15:32 by AnonMomPost to AnonMomPost's Blog
Filed under: Mums like us
I married (for the first time) at 39 and we (my husband and I) decided that we would not wait, but try to have a baby. I became pregnant within about 6 months and at 16 weeks miscarried for the first time. I miscarried another 2 times.
I must say here that I am an American and had been helping a small church here in Ireland when I met my husband (an Englishman that had been living here since 1997.) We returned to the US and married. And I had 3 miscarriages. After each one the "Specialist" would just say, "oh it's your age". We decided to return to Ireland at that point. I needed a "new start". 
After a few months after I return, I became pregnant and again and was living in fear!  Wondering when I would lose this one, praying for a miracle.  My GP ran a battery of blood tests and called me stating that my sugar levels were "extremely high". He said that I was diabetic and needed some intervention. He called the very day I began bleeding...lost number 4. I was torn emotionally. Thankful that finally I know the reason and that there was something that could be done, but so much sorrow that it took 4 losses and moving to another country to find it. 
I was placed on glucophage and within about 6 months I was pregnant again.  Oh the fear, worry....cannot explain it.  I was placed in the high risk pregnancy clinic, diabetic clinic and seemed to fly through the pregnancy so easily. In August 2007, just before my 42nd birthday I had a healthy boy. Because I also had multiple fibroid, I had a C-section. The greatest joy was holding my son...he was alive and wriggling and worth everything! We call our son our miracle child. With everything going against the odds, we had him...so very thankful. We would love to have another, and have tried, but my age, diabetes and the remaining fibroid have prevented us, but we are truly blessed beyond measure with our son. Each day is a great blessing and each time I hear him say "love you Mummy" I am still overcome with tears of joy for the blessing and miracle that is my son.
Déanta in Éirinn - Sheology