New campaign aims to tackle childhood obesity problem

Last updated: 21/10/2013 10:20 by CatherineMom to CatherineMom's Blog
Filed under: Nutrition & Fitness, Preschoolers, School Age Kids, Toddlers
One in four Irish children is now overweight or obese.
This is one findings of the Growing Up in Ireland study and Safefood is now to launch a campaign to combat the growing obesity problem.
The new campaign will focus on a number of practical steps parents can take to help their children lead a healthy life and avoid excessive weight gain.
These steps include portion control, being active and setting a good example with food choices.
The campaign will also highlight the importance of getting enough sleep after a number of studies found a link between inadequate sleep and weight gain, particularly among preschoolers.
Déanta in Éirinn - Sheology