Now they are telling her to stop losing weight

Last updated: 01/06/2012 14:32 by AnnasMum to AnnasMum's Blog
Filed under: Mums like us
Nigella Lawson is such naturally beautiful lady who seems really normal (i.e. she likes her grub and struggles with her weight). She hasn't exactly had an easy life.  Yes I know she is fantastically successful cook and author but she's had tough times like the rest of us when she lost her mum and her first husband too and yet she just keeps going on. I read a story online this morning where the press were basically now telling her now to stop losing weight. Honestly, you just can't get it right these days.
A year ago she was pictured in Australia wearing a burkini and she was slated.  This year they are picking on her for getting too thin.  Enough is enough. 
It's such a shame that our society feels the need to report about people being too fat or too skinny, and when they change from one to the other, it's headline news. Shameful really.
Déanta in Éirinn - Sheology