Opportunities to play for children with autism

Last updated: 05/03/2015 11:46 by Caoi123 to Caoi123's Blog
Filed under: Guest Bloggers
Hi there I am a final year student of a Health and Society degree in DCU and I am carrying out my thesis on the topic of autism and play. I am interested in hearing from parents of autistic children on their experiences of play and whether play forms an important part of their children’s lives. A variety of studies have implied that autistic children are sometimes too limited in language and skill to take part in naturally engaging play. Other readings have reported children’s play time being compromised because of hyper or hypo sensitivity. I am looking to hear what parents experience of this is. The importance of including symbolic and pretend play was highlighted through various literature as the most beneficial and stimulating ways in engaging autistic children through play. I am interested in learning how parents create play opportunities throughout the day for their autistic children. Does this be difficult, easy or does It vary from day to day? I would also like to know the facilities, information or supports in place for parents who are having difficulties engaging their child in play, whether it be at a local, regional or national level. I would appreciate any feedback or comments and would be highly grateful upon any replies.
Déanta in Éirinn - Sheology