Pass The Parcel - Oh wait that’s a baby

Last updated: 18/03/2015 14:28 by Newmumtales to Newmumtales's Blog
Filed under: Guest Bloggers
The first few days at home with a new-born can be really tough. For one you will be exhausted and sore and two did I mention sore and exhausted?

I always say to my husband now if someone handed me a new-born on a day where you haven’t just been through 10 months of physical exhaustion (also known as pregnancy), labour and sleepless nights in a hospital I honestly think I’d do great, wouldn’t we all! It really is the combination of all of these that I found to be a bit of a struggle.

So you come home and are dealing with all of the above as best as any human being can and you have all these lovely visitors that want to come and see you and your beautiful little baby and you really want to see them too, like you really do but…

You’ve already had your whole family come by this morning, your closest friends, your extended family and they’ve all had a hold and cuddle of your really new baby and now.. your mams neighbours friend who is reallylovely would like to pop over with a card and she would also like a hold and a cuddle.

I never really understood how this could make anew mum feel. Passing a new baby round can cause minor heart palpitations for a new mum. You’ve probably just settled them or they’vejust gone down only to pick them back up and the germs - don’t even getme started. You literally become a germinator and it’s serious business!

I had my son in the middle of November where there were so many cold/flu and bugs going round. I had hand sanitizer, wipes and Iwould clean surfaces just to clean them again. I used to ask myself am I
crazy? why do I feel like this? I even asked my doctor was it normal, as a mum herself she told me how completely sane this all was. It is completely normal and I now know this is all part of a mothers instinct
to protect her child.

Can you ask people to hand sanitize before they hold your baby? – Yes, can you ask them not to pick them up if you’ve just settled them and they’ve gone back to sleep? – Certainly Yes, and can you ask them to call over at a more suitable time?100% Yes

Is it rude? – Absolutely Not. Family and friends should understand and respect this. A calendar for scheduled visits and cuddles for the first six months sounds perfectly normal to me.

Fast forward a few months/years and you might have to pay them to call over!
Déanta in Éirinn - Sheology