Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day

Last updated: 15/10/2013 20:31 by AnonMomPost to AnonMomPost's Blog
Filed under: Mums like us
Today is Pregnancy & Infant Loss Remembrance Day. While the month of October is about bringing awareness to pregnancy and infant loss, today, October 15th is about remembering the loss; it's about taking the time to remember the babies who were born asleep, or who were carried but never met, or those we have held but could not take home, or the ones who made it home, but did not stay.
This beautiful poem entitled 'Remembering' by Elizabeth Dent captures that remembrance perfectly.
Go ahead and mention my child,
The one who died, you know.
Don't worry about hurting me further.
The depth of my pain doesn't show.
Don't worry about making me cry.
I'm already crying inside.
Help me to heal by releasing,
The tears that I try to hide.
I'm hurt when you keep silent,
Pretending she didn't exist.
I'd rather you mention my child,
Knowing that she has been missed.
You ask me how I was doing.
I say "pretty good" or "fine."
But healing is something ongoing.
I feel it will take a lifetime.
Déanta in Éirinn - Sheology