Still breastfeeding at ...

Last updated: 23/04/2012 14:05 by shockedmum to shockedmum's Blog
Filed under: Mums like us

I’m not entirely sure why I care about this story, but it keeps appearing for one reason or another. First the photo of her breastfeeding her 3 year old on a train emerged, and now, more recently she has released a book about tree-hugging motherhood. (sorry, but have you read some of the details?)
I’ve very little interest in this approach to parenthood. I’m all for ‘live and let live’ but I don’t agree with her parenting mantra and have zero interest in buying her book. She and her family of 4, live in a one bed apartment and are so environmentally (and frugally) friendly that they don’t have a play area/room for their kids because they don’t believe in consumerism. And her toilet training methods (entirely child led and without nappies) are, in my opinion, archaic, and as for breastfeeding your 3 year old. Honestly. And at the very least do it at home so I don’t have to see it.
Déanta in Éirinn - Sheology