There's something very special about this baby - bet you can't guess what!

Last updated: 27/02/2014 11:00 by MollyMumofTwo to MollyMumofTwo's Blog
Filed under: Family
Della Wolf Kangro Wiley Richards is the first child to be officially born with three parents.
The little girl from Vancouver, British Columbia, was born to two lesbian parents Danielle Wiley and Anna Richards, as well as to her biological father, Shawn Kangro.
Canada passed a Family Law Act  in March of last year, which allows for up to four parents to be named on a child's birth certificate.
Danielle and Anna wanted to have a child through natural means and it was important to them that the biological father was a part of their child’s life.
Shawn Kangro is a close friend to Anna and Danielle was the one who carried the baby to term.
To avoid future complications, a contract was drawn up in advance of the birth, naming Danielle and Anna as Della's parents and Shawn as a guardian, with rights to access.
Anna says friends, family and their community have all been very supportive: “We’re just this family doing our thing...It’s real now.”
Déanta in Éirinn - Sheology