This is the cutest letter ever written

Last updated: 05/12/2013 13:00 by MollyMumofTwo to MollyMumofTwo's Blog
Filed under: Christmas, Just for fun, Kids like ours
The staff at John Lewis Cambridge received the sweetest letter from five-year-old Faith this week.
The little girl wrote: "To John Lewis, Cambridge. I'm sorry I broke a Christmas bauble on Saturday. It cost two pounds. Here is the money for it. Sorry again. Faith, aged 5."
She taped two pound coins to the piece of paper and even drew a little picture of herself.
However, the self-portrait hasn't helped the store track down this cutie, despite launching a Twitter campaign to find her.
The letter has already warmed many hearts and prompted numerous comments about the spirit of Christmas still being alive.
Hopefully they find Faith soon - we reckon the John Lewis gang have a lovely gift waiting for her in their Christmas sack.
Déanta in Éirinn - Sheology