Tip 1: Catch 40 winks

Last updated: 26/11/2013 17:48 by IKEA Mums to IKEA Mums's Blog
Filed under: Ikea Mum Bloggers
With two small children, Jack 5 years old and Grace 3 years old, sleep is a very important part of our lives. So when we had the opportunity to try out the 40 Winks idea as part of the IKEA Family activity programme - we jumped at it!  We took our cute BULLRIG floor mats and laid them out on the living room floor. This made our nap space really soft to lie down on as we have wooden floors. We looked at the picture of the crocodile sleeping on the mats and talked about the importance of having a little rest in the middle of the day so that we would have more energy to play in the afternoon. Jack and Grace took the fun patterned cushions, arranging them carefully where they would lay their heads. I gave the two POLARVIDE throws a big shake and tucked them in. I even had a little lie down, sometimes mummy's need to recharge their batteries too!
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Thank you to our MummyPages Mum Gill O'Hare and family.
Déanta in Éirinn - Sheology